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Record-breaking heatwaves are devastating coffee crops, posing huge challenges for farmers. Discover how climate change impacts coffee farming and yields.

2 min read

SE Asia heat threatens coffee crops

Record-breaking heat over the past few months destroyed unshaded coffee crops, adding to pressures on small scale farmers.

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Unlock sustainable finance opportunities with nature-positive coffee. Learn how it aligns with ESRS reporting for a greener future.

2 min read

How nature-positive coffee can significantly improve your ESRS, EUDR or CSRD reporting

EU reporting got you down? Sustainable office coffee could be your answer.

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Explore how butterflies boost sustainable coffee farming and biodiversity on coffee farms, fostering a healthier ecosystem

1 min read

Why butterflies matter for sustainable coffee

Coffee and butterflies - an unlikely duo. But these creatures, far from unconnected, share a surprisingly deep connection in sustainable coffee...

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Discover the diverse wildlife of our coffee farm in Laos through our nature camera footage.

1 min read

Who visits our coffee farm? Stunning wild animals via nature camera

Slow down, take a deep breath, let nature recharge you today. Get a glimpse of the wild animals who call our coffee farm home in Lakkhao Village,...

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Revamp your office coffee! Discover how enhanced workplace coffee boosts morale and sustainability.

2 min read

10 Questions to fix your workplace coffee

Struggling with office coffee? We've brewed up the top 10 questions to ask your colleagues and diagnose your coffee crisis.

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Explore how coffee agroforestry in Vietnam is enhancing biodiversity and boosting the coffee industry's sustainability.

2 min read

Coffee agroforestry creates wildlife corridor in Vietnam

Vietnam's coffee scene is booming, but the secret ingredient behind that rich cup might be a disappearing forest.

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Our Head of Coffee, Marc Simonsen, guide to coffee

2 min read

Our Head of Coffee guide to… coffee

"Stop and smell the coffee," the saying goes. And at Slow's Copenhagen office, even our Head of Coffee Marc Simonsen could tell when someone brewed...

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Green Workspace: 5 trends to watch in 2024

1 min read

Green workspace: 5 trends to watch in 2024

Sustainable workspaces are no longer just a fad, they're becoming the norm.

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3 min read

What makes a ‘fair’ cup?

Knowing where your coffee comes from and being sure they were produced fairly should be the norm, not the exception.

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Face to face with a man-eating Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris spondaic)

2 min read

Face to face with a man-eating tiger

Tiger attacks near Slow’s cacao source in Indonesia’s Sumatra leave two dead and one injured, raising concerns for local farmers.

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